The Open Enrollment Period for 2024 begins on November 1, 2023 and ends on January 15, 2024. All Americans must have health insurance or face a fine.
Important: In order for your coverage to begin on January 1, 2024, you must enroll by January 15, 2024.
Important: If you currently have a 2023 Government Plan, for 2024 you have to renew your existing plan or enroll in a new one. You will not be automatically re-enrolled.
You will not be able to sign up for a Government Health Plan until the next Open Enrollment Period. The only exception is that if you experience certain life changes after Open Enrollment -- known as “Qualifying Life Events” -- you could be re-eligible to enroll.
To minimize your chances of not having health insurance, it is highly recommended that you do not miss the Open Enrollment Period and enroll immediately during this time.
The Affordable Care Act was designed to ensure that all Americans have health insurance. To make sure no one is uninsured, health care has to be truly attainable and affordable. That is why you cannot be denied coverage for preexisting conditions, and your costs could also be greatly lowered by subsidies -- or “discounts” -- if you meet certain income guidelines.
Universal and affordable health care can only work if everyone is covered. Remember that uninsured patients can become very costly for everyone. If you miss the Open Enrollment Period and have a Qualifying Life Event, you can still get a government health insurance plan during the Special Enrollment Period.
If you enroll during the first 15 days of the month, your coverage begins on the first day of the following month. For example, if you enroll by January 15, 2024 your coverage will begin on January 1, 2024.
Enrolling during the last half of the month means your coverage begins on the first day of the second month. For example, if you enroll on December 16, 2023, you will have to wait until February 1, 2024 for your coverage to begin.
If you missed Open Enrollment, you may be eligible for the Special Enrollment Period. Learn more about getting health coverage outside of Open Enrollment here.
To compare Non-Government Plans, please enter your zip code and fill out the 1-page application.